
Why Join
Sapphire Mountain Men is a family friendly shooting club. We take pride in promoting safety and accuracy while enjoying the sport of muzzleloader shooting! Rifle, pistol or smoothbore- we welcome new members.
Members enjoy monthly muzzleloader shoots at a "member only" range, with a discounted price of $5.
Prospective members may try shooting a muzzleloader if you are just getting into this sport! The club has 4H certified instructors and muzzleloaders available.
Contact us to make sure we have the equipment available for you. [email link]
Members participate, plan, and host the annual Wildhorse Rendezvous as well as receive a monthly newsletter.

Who Joins?
Whether you are an outdoor enthusiast, history buff, are looking to expand your knowledge of shooting, or just seeking a family activity, we have room for you!
We actively participate with 4-H Missoula County Shooting Sports program.
Many members have years of experience in shooting and love to share their knowledge.
Rendezvous competitions are numerous through the spring, summer and fall in the Northwest. This is a family sport and great learning activity for all ages.

Club Fee's
Annual Membership runs May through May.
Family Member ship $15
Individual Membership $10
Our membership costs are low to encourage participation.

How do I Join?
You can join by sending us quick note or by completing the membership form and mailing it in with your payment!
One of our officers will contact you about enrollment!
Membership form pdf file